Green Party Christchurch Office

Address 12 Duke Street, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch, New Zealand
Phone +64 3 377 4724
Website www.greens.org.nz/contact
Categories Political Party
Rating 1 1 review

Green Party Christchurch Office reviews

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01 July 2023 16:23

I have always voted, supported and volunteered for your causes. Regards to wealth tax you should reconsider your implementation. If I am getting income or disposing an asset, i will have liquid cash, I am happy to pay wealth tax with it. Just by holding an asset, where can I find cash to pay wealth tax at the year end. I will be forced to sell some assets to cover your proposed tax bill. If it's once or twice I can borrow and pay it. If I have to pay it every year where do I find money? Many of us finding it difficult to pay council rates. Your policy is going to force me to sell assets I am holding, same with many retired people, small business owners with cashflow issues, people with asset rich cash poor scenario. IRD will slap fines and penalties as if we are a criminal for a missed payment. It will also discourage holding assets. Don't punish us, vast majority of us have good intentions and would love to give it back to the society that help us in the first place. This is not the right way, think again.

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