Rev Bikes

Address 28 Appleby Highway, Hope, Nelson, New Zealand
Phone +64 3 970 0281
Website www.revbikes.co.nz
Categories Electric bicycle store, Bicycle Repair Shop
Rating 5 1 review

Rev Bikes reviews

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14 October 2019 1:31

As a man in his late 50s I decided that I should get an ebike to make sure that I could transition into older age mobikity/fitness via this new tech. As such I went to the local ebike stores with a myopic and narrow vision - Bosch mid drive, in a step through frame - befitting an old git. I tested the Gepida Reptilia.
The test rides at Rev Bikes Nelson (82 Bridge St)! Are much longer than, say, the Bike Station - so you get a much better idea about the Bike!
Anyway, the store manager Anthony suggested that I should at least try something a bit more sporty - a hard tailed eMTB. I trialled their KTM eMTB and this really opened my eyes!
Unfortunately the KTM was a bit too rad for me but it made the point. Thanks Anthony!
So, if you want unvarnished/unbiased advice be sure to head to Rev Bikes Nelson!

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